Our actual age can differ from the age our brain appears to beJulien Tromeur / Alamy Seven genes have been…
Stand Up for Science rally in Washington Square Park in New York City on 7 MarchJames Dinneen Thousands of people…
The IM-2 mission in low lunar orbitIntuitive Machines Intuitive Machines’ Athena lander has made it to the moon, but it…
DARPA envisions growing structures hundreds of metres longScience Photo Library / Alamy Stock Photo The US military is brainstorming ways…
The FEMA map detailed how climate change could affect the risk of various hazards across the USAndrii Biletskyi/Alamy Researchers in…
Members of the Himba community in Namibia get just 5.5 hours of sleep a night on averageNick Fox / Alamy…
The black hair conditioner on the left is derived from the wood powder on the rightFengyang Wang/Stockholm University This sustainable,…
Women lining up at a mobile tent for reproductive health services at a clinic in ZimbabweMSI Zimbabwe/Arete/Tendai Marima The day…
Antarctic ice on 1 Jan 2024NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio Earth’s climate isn’t easy to cool down – especially if you…
Farm waste could be turned into hydrogen fuelImageryBT/Shutterstock Hydrogen could be made using agricultural waste under a new production process…