Interrail: The Trans Europe Express

It’s 1972, you are in your late teens, and you see a poster at your local railway station which promises one month of unlimited train


National Spirit and the 1900 Olympics

This year’s Paris Olympics are the third to be held in the city – where the decision was made in 1894 to revive this ancient


50 Years of Cyprus Divided

Though only eight at the time, Graeme Stanford vividly recalls his experience during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974. His father was serving


Roman Forum: Heart of the Empire and Symbol of Grandeur (Video)

For a thousand years, the Roman Forum was the epicenter of the Roman Empire. This symbolic center, known as the ‘umbilicus Romae’ housed the ‘miliarium


Rise and Fall of the Khmer Empire: From Angkor Wat to Phnom Penh (Video)

The Khmer Empire, also known as the Angkorian Empire, reigned over a substantial part of Southeast Asia from the 9th to the 15th centuries. Notable


The Mystery of Thomas More’s Birthplace

Walking through London’s Cheapside is a journey through history. From the Old English ceapan, meaning ‘to buy’ (and nothing to do with the Victorian associations


What Caused the Fall of Ancient Greek Civilization?

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some


How the Medieval Church Instilled Obedience Through Fear (Video)

In medieval Europe, the Catholic Church wielded immense power over the population, primarily through fear. The church used various methods to instill obedience among its


A Brief History of English Numeracy

The English medical practitioner John Bulwer wrote a treatise in 1644 that argued humans were natural ‘Arithmeticians’, capable of both performing arithmetic and divining the


Italy’s Cult of Fascist Martyrs

More than 1,000 people walked in sacred silence through Milan, their black shirts illuminated by flaming torches. Those towards the front held aloft Italy’s national