How was your weekend? What little things have you been enjoying/eating/watching/reading lately? As the spring turns into summer, I figured I’d share a few observations from life in Brooklyn…
At my friend Linsey’s house, I noticed that she’d framed her daughter’s artwork. How cute is that? Great reminder to ask for help before you yelp.
If you live in Brooklyn, consider going to brunch at Le Crocodile in Williamsburg. Nothing better than their cheesy croque madame with a bright green salad. (Now inspired to make this vinaigrette.)
How great is my friend Liz’s T-shirt? She wore it to at my house with some friends…
…and when Toby got home, he adorably held court. May we all have the confidence of a 14-year-old boy!
Keep spotting Converse high-tops around, and I really like the way they look with cropped jeans in the summer.
Toby had two baseball games this weekend, and I ADORE his coach. Instead of shouting and yelling and stomping, he’s so warm and thoughtful. He emails long, gripping recaps of each game, complimenting each player and giving pep talks. One recent dispatch said, “Sometimes in baseball, you have a day where nothing goes right, but we can take solace in the fact that we weren’t in the dugout with [the other coach], whom despite holding a massive lead was screaming instructions at his players at every opportunity. (At one point, his son yelled back, ‘It’s only a game, Dad! It’s not a court case!’).” Love the sentiment! These knock-around games are for FUN!
That’s it, haha! What have you been up to lately? Have you eaten anything delicious? Watched anything good? What glimmers have you noticed? I’d love to hear…
P.S. The trick of life, five things I noticed at a drinks party, and what’s your pro tip?