Interior of the Roman Colosseum, the most famous stadium to host gladiator games.

 John Pearce/The Conversation

In the amphitheatre of Gladiator II, Ridley Scott trains his lens on fighters and emperors – but no account of ancient gladiators is complete without including its devotees.

Eclipsing the modern superfan in adulation for their heroes, fans massed in the amphitheater to see their favorites fight, taking on a mania that created a potential for disaster. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, in AD27 a poorly built arena at Fidenae, just outside Rome, collapsed under the spectators’ weight. The incident left 50,000 dead or injured.

But gladiator fandom extended well beyond the arena. In the summer of 2019, archaeologists uncovered a tavern in Pompeii that had been decorated to show the bloody outcome of a gladiator fight. This hints at the way “sports talk” pervaded life in that city.

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