9 Profitable Subscription Business Ideas That Actually Work

The success of your launch depends heavily on how well you market your offering. To build awareness and drive conversions, leverage multiple platforms: Social media:


How to Quit a Job Without Burning Bridges (in 8 Easy Steps)

Opening: State your intention to resignHi [Manager’s Name], thank you for meeting with me. I wanted to have an open and honest conversation with you.


Money Market vs Savings Account (Which Is Best For You & Why)

Regular savings accounts work differently, especially when comparing traditional banks to online options. Most traditional brick-and-mortar banks offer minimal interest rates between 0.01% and 0.5%


How To Retire Early (4 Strategies To Retire Years Ahead of Schedule)

To figure out how much you need in retirement, start with your current monthly spending as a baseline. Include essentials like: Housing costs, groceries, utilities,


How Does Rent To Own Work? (Who Should Do It & Major Risks)

Rent-to-own combines renting with the option to purchase a home later, but this arrangement carries significant risks that many people overlook. While it offers a


Calculating Your Desired Salary (And Tips For Negotiating Success)

Let’s put all these steps into action with a real example. We’ll look at how Sarah, a graphic designer in New York, calculated her desired


How To Budget And Create A Money Plan (+ 3 budget methods)

[00:31:40] Ramit: Go ahead and read off the word in bold and then the full number next to it. [00:31:43] Dawn: Okay. Assets, 28,500; investments,


How to Get Out of Debt Fast (7 practical steps you can start now)

Whether you’re battling credit cards or student loans, I’ll show you how to pay off your debt fast with the 5-step system from my NYT


How To Pay Off Student Loans (with a real-life success story)

If you are feeling dejected by the amount of student loan debts you’re facing, Laura Long is proof that paying it off is more achievable than you


Debt-To-Asset Ratio (The Good, The Bad, And What Lenders Want)

Let’s break down a realistic business scenario with specific numbers to show exactly how this works. Here’s what our example business owes (Total Debts): The