Understanding what it takes to preserve and monitor forestland is tough work.

When municipalities, schools, or private citizens are responsible for managing forested areas, professional help is often needed.

That’s where forest resource consultants come into the picture.

Forest resource consultants are experts in devising plans to manage forestland and offer a range of specialized services.

As concerns about climate change continue to grow, these consultants’ roles have never been more important.

In this article, we’re going to take a look into the domain of forest resource consulting and unpack the services they offer, what techniques they use, the challenges they face, and the important impact they have on the environment.

So, let’s dive into the world of forest resource consultants and see the valuable contributions they make toward developing healthy, robust forests.

1. What Are Forest Resource Consultants?

Forest resource consultants refer to professionals who offer expert advice and services related to managing, sustaining, and conserving forest land, wildlife, and ecosystems.

These consultants rely on their in-depth knowledge of environmental science and ability to incorporate technological tools to manage and cultivate land.

Some of the tools they use include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), satellite imagery, and LiDAR sensors to assist in planning forested areas.

The entities that typically work with forest resource consultants are timber companies, governments, private landowners, and non-profit organizations.

Using the consultants’ services is an excellent way for these entities to enhance wildfire prevention, maximize natural resources, effectively plant trees, and much more.

To better understand what forest resource consultants do, let’s break down the main services they offer.

2. What Services Do Forest Resource Consultants Provide?

Forest resource consultants offer a range of services with the ultimate goal of ensuring the long-term health and sustainable use of forests while also considering economic aspects.

Here are the main services forest resource consultants provide:

bulletbulletForest Inventory

Forest resource consultants can help identify individual trees by species, match specific trees to certain log products, and pinpoint biomass/carbon inventories.

Whether owners of a forested area need a list of trees that includes specific characteristics, an idea of log product volumes, or the identification of non-forest attributes, these consultants can help.

Companies may use multiple approaches to achieve forest inventory, such as satellite data and stereo imagery, to achieve an inventory assessment.

bulletbulletForest Planning

Forest planning is one of the main services of forest resource consultants.

The service refers to creating a customized management plan to achieve the goals of property owners.

In most cases, management plans are devised to conserve local biodiversity, harvest timber efficiently, and sustain the health of the ecosystem.

Using forest resource consultants helps entities make informed decisions and increase the likelihood of successful projects.

bulletbulletWildfire Risk Management 

Wildfires pose a grave risk to the environment, wildlife, and surrounding urban areas.

Forest resource consultants offer wildfire risk management services to prepare landowners for the worst-case scenarios.

Different companies take different approaches; however, consultants will help create prevention plans and response and recovery strategies.

As wildfires become more of a frequent threat, risk management is becoming extremely important.

bulletbulletResource Analysis

For property owners to understand the financial potential of their forested areas, they need to know what they own.

Forest resource consultants can provide a complete resource analysis of the land.

Based on the data, the consultants may assist in identifying sustainable harvest rates, land valuation, and growth and yield strategies.

bulletbulletEnvironmental Impact Assessment

Forest resource consultants specialize in assessing the potential environmental impact caused by various projects in forested areas.

Projects have to follow certain regulations depending on local laws.

Failing to assess potential damages and meet requirements could lead to major delays and lawsuits.

Environmental impact assessment is a crucial service to ensure landowners use their land in a legal manner.

bulletbulletTimber Development

Consultants offer to handle nearly every aspect of timber development, including operational planning, infrastructure development, harvest plans, visual impact assessments, timberland valuations, and much more.

Landowners will benefit by implementing the most cost-effective strategies and making informed business decisions that meet legal requirements.

bulletbulletRemote Sensing

Remote sensing is used by forest resource consultants to achieve a range of goals.

Tactics such as LiDAR, aerial photography, and satellite imagery provide sufficient data to understand the general makeup and health of a forested area.

One of the biggest advantages of remote sensing is the ability to scan the area without requiring anyone to be physically present on site.

3. How Do You Become a Forest Resource Consultant?

Being a forest resource consultant is a specialized line of work that requires a vast range of knowledge, experience, and skillsets.

Choosing a bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as forestry, environmental science, or natural resource management, is an excellent way to jump-start a career as a forest resource consultant.

A person would also benefit from obtaining a master’s degree in a related field, which would make them a more competitive candidate and prepare them for advanced positions in companies.

Students interested in becoming forest resource consultants should look for internships or volunteer opportunities to get hands-on experience in the field.

Most companies want to hire candidates who already have a basic set of abilities.

Developing skills such as remote sensing, data analysis, and environmental assessment will not only expose interested parties to what being a forest resource consultant entails but will also set them up to be successful in their first position.

Here is a list of tips for becoming a forest resource consultant:

bulletbulletObtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field.

bulletbulletGet hands-on work experience.

bulletbulletSpecialize in an aspect (or aspects) of the industry to stand out as a candidate.

bulletbulletObtain relevant certifications, licenses, and permits.

bulletbulletNetwork with people in the industry by attending conferences and joining forestry associations.

bulletbulletOffer independent consulting services.

4. What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Forest Resource Consultant?

Working with forest resource consultants can be hugely beneficial because they’re equipped with specialized tools and experience that most people just don’t have.

Here are some of the main benefits of hiring a forest resource consultant:

bulletbulletExpert Knowledge and Guidance

Forest resource consultants are experts in environmental science, forestry, and local regulations.

No matter what the goals of the landowners are, consultants will be able to guide the project down the best path possible.

Under their guidance, landowners will benefit from using the most efficient and cost-effective strategies.

Knowledge of state regulations will also prevent lengthy delays or unexpected financial penalties.

bulletbulletTailor-Made Solutions

Not all forestry projects are the same, which is why forest resource consultants provide tailor-made solutions to achieve landowners’ goals.

Consultants take into consideration goals, forest inventory, state regulations, the condition of the environment, and any other details necessary to devise a customized strategy.

Whether an owner’s goal is to harvest timber, restore the environment, or land cultivation, forest resource consultants will come up with a plan.

bulletbulletRisk Management

Forested areas are constantly threatened by factors such as wildfires, pest infestations, and disease outbreaks.

Forest resource consultants can provide strategies to both prevent and mitigate these threats.

Their risk management solutions can prevent the land from being damaged, saving landowners time, energy, and money in the long term.

bulletbulletImproved Value

Hiring forest resource consultants ensures that landowners will maximize the value of the resources in their forested area.

Consultants can assist in identifying potential log products for specific tree species and create an optimized timber harvesting schedule.

Additionally, the risk management services that consultants provide also protect the value of the land.

bulletbulletRegulatory Compliance

In the United States, there are strict policies and regulations owners of forested areas have to follow.

Not having a detailed understanding of these regulations can complicate various projects, including timber development and environmental restoration.

A forest resource consultant will help owners navigate regulations and make sure all the necessary permits have been obtained.

Failing to follow rules and policies could result in legal penalties and cause delays or cancellations.


Forest resource consultants treat sustainability as a top priority.

Hiring a consultant provides owners with sustainable practices that achieve both economic and environmental goals.

Sustainable practices help owners develop long-term sources of income and ensure the health of the ecosystems within the forested area.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at how forest resource consultants help with sustainable forest management.

5. What is the Role of a Forest Resource Consultant in Timber Harvesting?

Timber harvesting is one of the principal services offered by forest resource consultants.

Hiring a consultant will help landowners maximize profits, maintain environmental health, and avoid costly delays.

Here are some of the roles of a forest resource consultant in timber harvesting:

bulletbulletTimberland Valuations

The timberland valuation services that forest resource consultants provide are essential to understand the financial potential of a forested area.

Having a clear understanding of the land’s resources will enable the owners to make more informed decisions about the timber harvesting process.

bulletbulletOperational Planning

Forest resource consultants will create in-depth, personalized plans using the most efficient systems to achieve the landowners’ timber harvesting goals.

The consultants can handle everything from choosing the best trees to harvest, when to harvest, and what companies to hire for the job.

bulletbulletEnvironmental Impact Assessment

Timber harvesting can be detrimental to a forested area if not done properly.

A consultant will be able to assess the land and identify vulnerable areas that should be left out of the harvest.

Being mindful of timber harvesting’s environmental impact will help the forested area thrive and provide owners with a stable, long-term stream of income.

bulletbulletOn-Site Supervision

In addition to assessing the land and creating operation plans, a consultant can also provide on-site supervision.

They will make sure operations go according to plan and that any unexpected issues are easily diverted.

Having a consultant on-site can save owners a lot of money by preventing wasted time, energy, and money.

bulletbulletAdherence to Regulations

Forest resource consultants will be aware of all the current local, state, and federal regulations relating to timber harvesting.

In addition, consultants will take care of obtaining any necessary permits or approvals.

Landowners are typically uninformed about the various regulations, and failing to meet certain requirements could jeopardize the project and lead to financial or legal penalties.

6. How Do Forest Resource Consultants Assess Forest Health and Inventory?

Consultants’ services of assessing forest health and inventory are hugely beneficial to landowners, but what methods do they use to collect the data?

Depending on the size, condition, and location of the land will determine what methods are used, but in general, there are a few primary strategies.

Here are the methods used to assess forest health and collect inventory data:

bulletbulletGeographic Information System (GIS): Forest resource consultants insert data of images and tables of information into GIS–computer software that creates detailed maps of a forested area.

The digital map helps to understand trends and changes in the forest that could indicate an issue, such as invasive species encroachment.

bulletbulletRemote Sensing: Remote sensing can be done in a variety of ways, including LiDAR, satellite imagery, and aerial photography.

These methods are excellent for understanding a forest’s canopy cover and tree density.

Consultants will also be able to spot areas that are experiencing a disturbance that needs to be addressed.

bulletbulletSoil Samples: Taking soil samples will expose a lot about the health of a forest.

When the samples are analyzed, they will reveal the soil’s pH levels, nutrient presence, toxicity, fertility, and more.

Understanding the state of the soil is crucial to get an idea of the environment’s health and the potential of planting trees.

bulletbulletTree Samples: Tree sampling refers to estimating the state of the forest by collecting data on the various types of trees in the area, including their height and health status.

The amount of samples taken will depend on the size of the forest and project objectives.

Regardless, tree sampling will help identify diseases in the area, estimate the tree population, and paint a picture of the overall health of the forest.

7. What is the Difference Between a Forest Resource Consultant and an Arborist?

Forest resource consultants and arborists may both refer to professionals who specialize in trees and forests, but there are some clear distinctions between the two roles.

Consultants offer a wider range of services for a variety of different projects, typically in rural areas.

Arborists, on the other hand, mainly focus on individual tree health, aesthetics, and safety in urban areas.

Let’s outline the roles and responsibilities of each position to get a better understanding of the difference between the positions.

Forest Resource Consultant

bulletbulletExperts in environmental science, natural resource management, forestry, and ecology.

bulletbulletOffer services, such as timber harvest planning, wildfire prevention, and wildlife assessment, for large-scale forest management projects.

bulletbulletWork in remote areas.

bulletbulletUse remote sensing, such as LiDAR, to assess large areas of forest.


bulletbulletExpert in tree care and arboriculture.

bulletbulletOffer services, such as tree planting, pruning, and removal, for urban landscapes.

bulletbulletWork in urban or suburban areas.

bulletbulletUse tools, such as hand saws, pruners, and woodchippers, to care for trees.

Final Thoughts

Forest resource consultants act as the guardians of woodlands and ensure that landowners are taking precautions to prolong the health of the environment.

By using advanced technology, consultants are able to provide comprehensive forest health assessments, in-depth resource inventory analyses, and customized plans that enable landowners to achieve their goals through sustainable practices.

As forests become more vulnerable to climate change, forest resource consultants are a reminder that finding a balance between human needs and environmental health is possible.

If you’re in need of a forest resource consultant, reach out to a company based in your area to learn more about their services and how they can help you achieve your goals.

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Erika Gokce CapitalErika Gokce Capital

Disclaimer: we are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors and the information in this article is for informational purposes only. This article is based on our own research and experience and we do our best to keep it accurate and up-to-date, but it may contain errors. Please be sure to consult a legal or financial professional before making any investment decisions.

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